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GEORGE TOWN: The Penang Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) detained two fishing boats with 11 foreign crew, all of them without valid travel and personal documents, in the waters off Penang last week.

Its director, Maritime Captain Abd Razak Mohamed said the fishing boats were spotted by a Maritime patrol vessel which was conducting “Op Tanjung” in the area, with the first boat, a local Class C fishing boat, at 14 nautical miles west of Pulau Kendi at 4.17 pm last Thursday (Dec 22).

“The boat, which is based in Pulau Pangkor, Perak, was operated by five foreign crew, comprising three Mynamar and two Thai nationals aged between19 and 52. All the foreign crew did not have any identification documents nor valid work permits,“ he said in a statement today.

Meanwhile, he said the second boat was an Indonesian foreign fishing boat, with six Indonesian crew, which was detained at 52 nautical miles southwest of Pulau Kendi at 12.10 pm on Dec 24 for fishing in Malaysian waters.

The Indonesian fishermen, aged 24 to 42, also failed to present their identification documents.

Abd Razak said all 11 foreign fishermen were detained for further investigation under Fisheries Act 1985 and Immigration Act 1959/63.-Bernama